It was truly a picture perfect Christmas - there were cookies, and trees, matching Elves, carrots for the reindeer, presents, little mermaid outfits, snuggles, family and babies - lots and lots of little babies crawling and running about. Again it was truly picture perfect. We all went home for about 5 days and it was the neatest thing to watch the four cousins play like four best friends in the whole world.
Prepping for house the big day and Santa's arrival!

Build Candy House - Check!

Vacuum family room - check!

Put vacuum away - Check!

Make the cookies - Check and Check!
Filling the little bellies - It seemed like most of the day there was someone eating - breakfast, lunch, dinner, lunch #2, dinner #2 - these kids like to eat and have fun doing it!!!

Thing 1 and Thing 2 being silly

We call this meal the "green stuff" - avocado, peas, and other stuff all mashed up

Best friends for life - Tessa is Will's hero
And then everyone showered and up dressed in their Christmas best! We all somehow actually made it to 4 o'clock mass and found seats - for most of mass. At one point all three boys were in the back of the church blowing off a little steam. Buddies for life!

The Whole Crew - Christmas Eve

Will 10.5 months, James 20 Months, Deccie 13 Months, Tessa 3 Years Old

Our First Christmas as 3

"I Love Ya Man!"
The Christmas Elves were very excited that Santa came!

Getting in a little trouble before little Miss Tessa woke up

The two little guys hogging the attention of Grandma on Christmas Morning

Deccie and Will checking out the new toy - Barney!

It was super hard to keep these 4 still for a picture - this is as best as we got of the stripped jammies
The Popes Christmas Morning - Will love Love LOVED all the Christmas morning activities. He crawled all over the family room playing with toys, grabbing wrapping paper, wrestling Deccie and snuggling with Mommy and Daddy. He was the BEST gift ever!

Daddy and Buddy!

Overdue for a nap - nothing a little binki can't fix

Reading his new Elmo book from Jamesy!

My little snuggle bug