Just so I don't ever forget...lately there have been
alot of very VERY early mornings with our little early bird. Just like his Grandma I guess. 5am on the dot I hear a little cry...cough....cry...more crying until I give up and go in which this morning was around 5:20am. Feed him and try again - no chance Will was going back to bed. So Jason was out of town which meant we had the bed to ourselves - my snuggle bug and I. So I grabbed him out of his crib, got back in my warm cozy bed and thought - lets give it a try. Turned on Sesame Street and bathroom light because somewhere in my mind I think it is better on his eyes to watch TV in a dimly lit room then a dark room - who knows! I snuggle Will up on the to pillows and we both lay there watching Elmo....
Next thing I know I check my phone and its 6:45am - Last time my little boy sat for 1 hour straight was about 10 months ago so I am guessing we both feel asleep - but who knows. I can remember being in such a light sleep I could feel his wiggles as he would sit up a little and then rest back into the pillow, make a loud sucking noise as his binki feel out of his mouth and the warm head on my cheek as we enjoyed the early morning together.
So its moments like this I NEVER want to forget - and when I think of my beautiful boy at 11 months I want to remember snuggling in the early EARLY hours of the morning - not the cold walk to his bedroom because my little man won't give in and fall back to sleep.
Like Grandma says "the early bird does catch the worm" - and thats why I know my buddy is gong to move mountains some day!