What a week we had. I posted this on facebook but I truly meant it...
"There are good weeks and there are great weeks and then there are weeks with Em and Jamesy come to Chicago. I don't think there are words for those kinds of weeks!"
My sister and I have learned so much about getting the cousins together. The whole family has learned alot actually. Plan trips that are long enough for the babies to get used to sleeping arrangements but not to long where if very little sleeping occurs you don't want to kill eachother. Also have an exit plan (fly southwest where you can refund and change you ticket at any moment) in the event someone gets sick. Try to keep on schedule as close as possible to insure happy, healthy, fun babies and mommies.
So with all that said Em and I were super realistic with how this trip might go in a one floor condo with two very active babies - and every day that went by we were grinning ear to ear about how awesome the trip was. I mean everything about it was just awesome!!! The boys were so well behaved and had so much fun together. James (22 Months) is at that age where he could have hated sharing with Will who grabbed everything James touched or refused to nap because he was not in his crib (yes he still fits in a pack in play) but NOPE none of that - he was just such a sweetie. So cute with Will, so cozy and cuddly with his Auntie and just talked and talked and talked the whole time. He is the smartest little guy - it was amazing to watch. We did so much I am going to break it up into two posts. Here is a run down of our day to day fun -- then I will get into the Tour De Chicago Museum's.
Cousin Time - James 22 Months, Deccie 14 Months, Tessa 3.25, Will 1 Year
4 kids under 3 make a huge mess - FAST
Dinner Date with Elmo
Story, milk and snuggles |
My running date - nevermade a peep or dropped the garage door opener pictured in right hand :) |
Parkdate in the middle of winter - we had the best weather |
Jamesy hoarding the balls at Gymboree |
Dinner for two |
Watching the cars and people walking dogs |
Grandpa and his boys (minus Deccie Bug) |
Last minute cuddles before we were off to the airport |