And just like that, on February 23, 2013 at 4:23am we realized that once how blessed we truly are with our perfect little boy. And perfect he is. Samuel Joseph Pope - 8lbs and 9oz, 21 inches long - came into our world and our family of 3 became a family of 4.
So here is the back story. It was a week of waiting - but a fun week! Unlike the waiting with Will where I nearly killed a few random people on the street, ate my body weight in spicy foods and tried EVERYTHING possible to get Mr. Will to come ASAP - it wasn't like that with Sam. I savored the last week. Tried to fit in everything possible - my last week of just me and my bud. Yes there were many tears in this final week thinking of how much I loved our little life as the three of us but as everyone told me my new life with the four of us would feel just as good (maybe a little more tiring but amazing). My parents were amazing and came into town that Saturday because of a bit of a false alarm but it sure put me at ease know when Sam wanted to join us in this world Will would not miss a beat - a true blessing. So at 39 weeks we kept busy! Children's museum with the cousins, Gymboree, play cafe, lunches, workouts, dinners out and then finally park district class on Friday. It was scooter day. So there I was at 39 weeks and 5 days pregnant mom pushing Will on a scooter on my hands and knees. Needless to say after class (and a quick trip to starbucks) I wanted to head home as I was feeling pretty gross. We got home and Will and I snuggled up on the couch for a few shows. I knew something was up. My parents came over for lunch and were going to watch Will so I could head to the gym but something told me I needed a little rest. I think my parents knew something was up too as I rarely pass up a babysitting opportunity or the gym. I put Will down for a nap, took a rest, and then walked about 2 miles to CVS and back for a prescription. When I arrived home I realized I probably was going to have a baby in the next 12 hours. Such a cool feeling when you finally realize that. But I didn't want to alert to many people and still didn't say to much for a hour or so. Finally around 3pm I texted my mom and said I might start timing contractions - but don't come over yet as it might be a false alarm. My mom showed up at my door 4 minutes later :)
I showered up, had some dinner, and around 8pm I kissed my perfect little boy goodnight - life was about to change and another miracle was on its way!!
Headed to the hospital
We headed to the hospital and from here I will give the short version. They sent me home - with contractions 5 mins apart they claimed it was early labor. Real nice. When I arrived home my contractions were 2 minutes apart and I took a bath. Ummmm pretty sure my birth plan did not include laboring at home in the bath - it was DRUGS. So within 20 minutes we headed back. My doctor was waiting in the lobby - nice move Dr. C. We finally got into a room and drugs were given. AHHHHHH this is what I call labor. I had to hang out for 4 hours to get my strep b medication which was just relaxing and quiet. Jason slept but I was to excited, nervous, cold and ready for what was about to happen. 4 hours later the broke my water and 3 pushes later Mr. Sammy was here!!! Another perfect, sweet and innocent baby boy had come into our life. How did I ever get this lucky?
In labor - pretty relaxing if you are used to chasing around a 2 year old :) |
Another miracle - First moments as son and mother |
Not to impressed with the outside world |
Daddy and son - seconds old |
Sweet boy - minutes old and rocking a MoMo hat obvi |
Headed up to our room with our new little love |
Sweet Sam |
Getting a good look at my little boy |
Everything was going wonderful - Sam eating great, room was beautiful, I never missed a meal and we could relax and snuggle 24 hours a day with our new little boy. My mom was our first visitor that morning - it was so wonderful to see her and introduce Sam.
Momo and Sam - Saturday Feb 23 @ 2pm |
Then the moment every mother of two dreams and fears at the same time - big brother meets little brother. Of course I played it all out in my head a million times. Sam would be sleeping in the corner of the room in his little bassinet, a present inside for Will and Mom waiting with open arms to hug her little boy who I have missed over the past day. Well it didn't go exactly like that but it was amazing and emotional. Sam was having a hard time calming down to feed just minutes before Will and my parents were supposed to arrive. He was screaming like crazy and I couldn't put him down to hug Will. I called my mom to stall a few minutes - but that wasn't enough time. So I quickly called my mom from the hall to run into the room and hold Sam. Of course my mom "the baby whisper" had everything under control. I don't really remember what ended up happening to Sam I just remember hugging Will for a few minutes and there was no crying in the background - so in true Sam fashion he just was going with the flow :). Will met his brother with very little interest (which I kinda expected) but got a new train which was a big hit. The visit was both amazing and stressful but at the end of the day it isn't about how everyone does in those 30 minutes its about the life we have together ahead of us - which I would say is pretty perfect to me!
And they meet! We gave in and let Will play on the phone - as my mom would say "this week is about change and keeping everyone happy" |
The family of 4 |
Moments every mother dreams of |
The rest of the stay at the hospital was relaxing and filled with snuggles. But by day 2 I was soooo ready to get home to Will and my own house.
2 days old ready to head home |