Sam 5 Months Old 17lbs ish |
Will 5 Months |
Brothers - Will 2Y 5M - Sam 5M |
Sam Likes: Watching big brother Will do everything, rolling around, getting his belly rubbed and wiggled around, swinging, riding in the stroller without the carseat, smiling at people when they approach him, snuggling in before and after naps and grabbing at his feet.
Sam does not like: Hot hot days, when I walk away when he is hungry or tired, being put down right before bedtime, getting his diaper changed in the middle of the night
Will likes: Playing ACTUAL golf (which really is mini golf but he claims it is ACTUAL golf), everything Daddy ("daddy do you want to play with me" - nonstop). If Will and Daddy are playing and I come into the room with Sam he will tell me that I need to go do the dishes for fear I (or Sam) might mess up his fun! Loves standing up to the ipod and listening to music. Helping with anything in the kitchen (smoothies, pancakes, pizza). Loves the sandbox and playing with his trucks. Also playing "baseball" which includes Will wearing his baseball hat and throwing balls all over the house. Loves juice and juice boxes - which are a big treat but he thinks they are the best ever. Loves summer nights and popsicles on the deck.
Will does not like: Eating in his highchair up to the counter. He wants to sit in the big chair now which has made it interesting for eating. He is constantly trying to sneak off to go play. Having alot more trouble falling asleep at night. We will hear him singing away at 9pm sometimes!!!
Happiest boy ever - yes this was in July |
Rolly polly goof ball |
Having his breakfast at the tea party table |