Sam 8 Months
20 lbs |
Will 8 Months |
Sweet brothers - not sure why will always has his clothes off :)
Well this month we were kinda a sick group - the boys both got taken down by hand foot and mouth. Sam had it very mild so I was very thankful but I can't say the same for his poor brother. It was awful. So not alot of fun adventures until the end of the month.
Sam- This month you got very good at sitting and you love playing with the little people farm. You will sit up and push all the animals around. Its so sweet.
He also is starting to figure out finger foods much better but when he got sick we took a break. I think he has sores in his mouth that hurt so it was mostly nursing this month.
We spent alot of time in the house so Sam got much better on all fours rocking back and forth.
You are still just as sweet as can be. Your expressions are priceless and you smile at everything. Here are some of my favorite faces.
And those giggles. Melt me. Its so fun to watch you become more and more interactive every month.
Dislikes: I know you dislike being sick. You didn't cry on and on and on but you were just sad and I held you alot. You wanted NOTHING to do with the bottle and so I didnt even try and that was probably the last time you took a bottle.
Will - This was not a fun month for you. HFM was awful. The worst I have ever seen my poor baby get sick. Thank goodness for the Curious George Movie, Cars and the iPad. But even that didnt do the job some nights. I slept with him out on big chair and just tried to keep him calm. It was awful. You also have been having an awesome time at your Little Beans class - first big boy on your own class. Very exciting!
Asleep on a stroller ride - poor baby |
So not Will :( |
On the mend and off on the scooter! |
ALL ABOARD!!!! Lots of time in the house = getting creative |
Feeling like his goofball self again