Thursday, October 24, 2013

Pumpkin Farm 2013

Lots of build up for Halloween this year.  Although I tried to get will to be Daniel Tiger he wanted to be Mater from cars - yes the Tow Truck.  Seemed a bit odd to me but he was so into it I couldn't say no!

Because the boys were sick we were a bit late to take the "farm" trip so by the time we got around to it we all were a bit chilly but we still had fun!  Lots of animals and things to do we barely scratched the surface.  Will crashed on the way home.  He still wasn't himself after getting sick - very tired all the time but getting better everyday!

Feeding the goats carrots

Boys at the farm - A bit chilly

Corn sandbox - Will would have stayed all day

Finally Mom in a picture :)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sam 8 Months - Will 2 Years 8 Months

Sam 8 Months
20 lbs

Will 8 Months

Sweet brothers - not sure why will always has his clothes off :)

Well this month we were kinda a sick group - the boys both got taken down by hand foot and mouth.  Sam had it very mild so I was very thankful but I can't say the same for his poor brother.  It was awful.  So not alot of fun adventures until the end of the month.

Sam- This month you got very good at sitting and you love playing with the little people farm.  You will sit up and push all the animals around.  Its so sweet.

He also is starting to figure out finger foods much better but when he got sick we took a break.  I think he has sores in his mouth that hurt so it was mostly nursing this month.  

We spent alot of time in the house so Sam got much better on all fours rocking back and forth.

You are still just as sweet as can be.  Your expressions are priceless and you smile at everything.  Here are some of my favorite faces.

And those giggles.  Melt me.  Its so fun to watch you become more and more interactive every month.

Dislikes:  I know you dislike being sick.  You didn't cry on and on and on but you were just sad and I held you alot.  You wanted NOTHING to do with the bottle and so I didnt even try and that was probably the last time you took a bottle.  

Will - This was not a fun month for you.  HFM was awful.  The worst I have ever seen my poor baby get sick.  Thank goodness for the Curious George Movie, Cars and the iPad.  But even that didnt do the job some nights.  I slept with him out on big chair and just tried to keep him calm.  It was awful.  You also have been having an awesome time at your Little Beans class - first big boy on your own class.  Very exciting!

Asleep on a stroller ride - poor baby

So not Will :(

On the mend and off on the scooter!

ALL ABOARD!!!!  Lots of time in the house = getting creative

Feeling like his goofball self again

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Well we finally did it.  After 5 days of "picking up his toys" we got Will a scooter.  He had wanted one so bad and would eye them every time we were at the park so finally we gave in and ordered one.  He was unstoppable and FAST.  I was shocked how good he was on it and how fast we all could travel.  He spent over 3 hours on it the first morning he got it.  Here are some action shots!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Babysitting Sam

As Sam has gotten more and more expressive and excited by everything Will does, Will has become more excited about Sam!  It is pretty much the most amazing and heartwarming thing to watch.  Will is ask me to "put Sam over here to play" and "put Sam in my crib while you go get my water."  That one is hilarious to watch.  I basically leave Sam in Will's crib ALONE for a few minutes while I go fill Wills water cup.  I actually feel totally trusting of Will that he won't hurt Sam but he does tend to get a bit excited with his jumping.  Sam just laughs.  Its so sweet.  When I try to take Sam out Will always asks for 1 more minute!

Here are pictures from the many babysitting moments of Will and Sam :)  Thanks Will I will pay you in gummy bearies someday :)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Your Welcome Mommy - Happy Birthday

For some reason Will told me "Your Welcome" all day when we talked about my birthday.  Not sure were we mixed him up with the standard birthday greeting but he sure thought that was it!  I'll take it!

It was a great day - 31 feels awesome and I couldn't have a more perfect little family.  There were for sure alot of super special things about today - making a cake with Will at 7am and watching him DESTROY a piece later that night, getting some great gifts and cards and having Jason home a little early to have fun at the park.  But also today was very much like any other day - I just took a moment to realize how super special it was.  Walking with Will to school as he sang "I've been working on the railroad" at the top of his lungs, getting up with Sam TWICE in the middle of the night for the most peaceful moments in the world, nursing Sam while Will snuggled up next to us (head against Sam's head) for a book (The Little Engine that Could) before nap time, watching both boys look at new toy with the same excitement and rocking my sweet Sam to bed over and over as his cuts another tooth looking at him fast asleep in my arms.  I could go on and on.  All this stuff happens more or less every day but I am so glad it takes things like birthdays to get us hormonal nursing mom's to step back and just look at the wonderful things we have right in front of our eyes.  It was a great day - and tomorrow will be a great day too and someday I will look back and long for the exhausting days with my babies but for now I will keep getting up in the middle of the night and treat myself to some extra snuggles and kisses whenever I can :)

Sam slept through all of the birthday activities that night but I snapped this picture at the playground that evening.  My gosh could he be any cuter - he is such a LOVE BUG.  Best birthday blessing in the whole world

Step 1: Bake the cake (6:30am this morning)
Step 2:  Frost the cake!

Getting some help with the candles

This picture cracks me up of us putting sprinkles on the cake.  Will is shoving them in his mouth!  Classic