Wednesday, August 24, 2011

3 years later - THEY ARE BACK!!!

Thats right - Chris, Melissa, Tessa Girl and Deccie ARE BACK!!! When I moved to Chicago about 3 years ago Chris and Melissa moved to Baltimore 3 months later. Crazy how that timing happened - but I waited and waited and they are back and now a family of 4. What a fun trip we had up to Evanston to see Tessa Girl and meet Deccie for the first time!!! Tessa was such a big girl I could barely believe it and Deccie was the sweetest little thing. I love that Will can grow up near his cousins.

They meet! Deccie (8.5 months) Will (6 months)

Will getting snuggles from Auntie Mel

My two little buggers!

Deccie getting in Will's personal space

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