The Pope family started Christmas very early this year!!! I had all my decorations up the weekend before Thanksgiving and the new Glee Christmas album downloaded and ready to go! It was fun to watch Will see a Christmas Tree for the first time. I must say he had some pretty good self control for the first 4 minutes of viewing :)
Will checking out the tree
But not only did our decorations go up early this year but Will was a very lucky boy getting spoiled rotten from his grandparents!! Grandmommy (Jason's Mom) had Christmas early with all the cousins over Thanksgiving. It was so fun to see all the kids open the gifts together. Will and Gideon got the same gifts and it was so funny to see them "fight" over their toys even though they each had one. Very cute!!
Will and Gideon had a great time before presents even started with the newspaper!
Thanks Grandmommy!!!
Gramdpa and Grandma Harvey also spoiled Will before Christmas with his NEW CAR!!! They figured better to get use out of it now before the cold cold winter comes and boy have we had fun! When we put Will in the car he knew right what to do - hands on the steering wheel and ready to roll. Thanks so much mom and dad!!!
Hey watch the road you crazy driver
He is just as happy riding the car through the house - I feel bad for the guy below us :)
The picture of Will crawling in front of the tree is so precious. You'll have to look back at that one over the years. Looks like you guys had fun in Texas!! And watch out now that Will is on the road! He better have those hands at 10:00 and 2:00! What a lucky guy to get so many cool gifts!!