21 lbs 3 oz
Sam's Likes: Sammy boy you are officially on the move!! Sam is crawling and pulling up and really enjoying all these new adventures. His favorite thing to do is pull up to the train table and try to play along. He is also eating up a storm. All finger foods now with nothing off limits. Sam has slept through the night 1 or 2 times but for the most part get up 1 time per night. There was one week when he got up 3 and 4 times so we had to do some sleep training back tracking. Little buddy asks for very little during the day I hate to hear him cry at night. I am a total sucker. But we did let you cry one night and it went on and off for 1 hour - but I think it was worth it as the second night I barely remember you crying.
You started saying your "dada and baba" just before your 9 month doctor appointment which was hilarious because we were tracking you up to the final hours for the silly work sheet! You love screaming and talking. You also started waving. Sometimes you watch your hand open and close and somethings you swing you whole arm. The motion is always what you do with we make the bell noise for the pretend trains that cross in our house all day. You love to crawl over to one of us and climb up to be held or sit on us. You also do this to Will. You love to play in Wills crib and pull up and watch him while we sing songs. You always giggle when he puts his hand through the crib rails and tries to push you down. So loving :)
Still such a little bear cub |
The first official "pulling up" |
Favorite spot to be standing up
Movie to Liam
Dislike: Getting your nose and face wiped off. Getting dressed. Getting diaper changed. You also don't like being put down right after you wake up from a nap or in the morning. You like to be held and cuddled and slowly introduced back into the world. I think its awesome.
Will Update - You have grown so much in this last month - you want to be very independent but also a baby at the same time. Toddlerhood is a hard, confusing, frustrating and silly time for you. You want "big big big big" hugs and snuggles. After you had hand foot and mouth and it hurt so much for you to suck your binki we put it away and you haven't asked for it since. As happy as I am that we got rid of your binki its always sad to end an era. You loved your wubs (which you ended with the giraff, red dog which was brand new for Sam, and 2 frogs which were both Sam's as well). But they are gone and you are growing up. Going to sleep has been a little harder for you at night. Lots of stall tactics such as sleepy goes on and off, pants go on and off, diaper goes on and off and on and on and on. We made a schedule for you to try to get you back on track which you loved. I think you are literal and want order like your mama :) You love to play schedule with me and always make sure it is known that it is "just pretend" - this is not reallly sleeping.
You love when your brother takes his nap in the morning because you get to do crafts with me. We have made turkey pictures, bird houses, glue sticks, paint, markers, stickers and on and on. You love doing projects and you love more when I make one right with you. You also love to bake. When I ask "do I have any helpers?" you always scream with such excitement "WILL DOES!!" You love helping with Tacos, pizza, cookies, smoothies and anything that involves cutting "that are very dangerous."
You still wear a diaper (size 5) and have zero zero interest in wanting to be potty trained. We have put big boy pants on your here and there but you are not a fan. Its not going to fun when that day comes very very soon.
You have so much energy lately and just want to run run run all over. I am adjusting your activities for the winter to accomodate :)
Funny things you say: "No thank you sammy" (which is what I say to Will when he is doing something bad), "I dont like that choice", "Sammy that is a big boy thing you can't have that", "That would be Grrrrrrrific" (from Daniel Tiger), "thats my bestest" and constantly naming his best friends of the moment, "so cozy cozy", "all by my SELF!",
Using his toy tools to help Daddy - he was so excited he was shaking. It was also about 9pm at night :) |
A bit scary seeing him swing the hammer |
Headed to school with Bob Bob |
Two peas in a pod after "running" all over the turf. Such a snuggle bug |
Busy making bird houses |
I was busy making dinner and I looked over and Will had gone into the fridge and helped himself to hummas and carrots. A few days later I opened up the hummas and there were chewed carrots in there. Thanks Will :) |
Here is a video of a night playing choo choo's. I love the little voice that is non-stop. So many thoughts in that little head.
Dislikes: Going to bed and us shutting the door. Lots of new fears and you like to point out if something is pretend. Also much more cautious about new places or activities. If other kids are doing it you will join in no problem but not if you are alone. Like a bounce house.