Will - 2 Years 10 Months
My sweet sweet boy you sure are starting to test everything and getting so smart! You have loved everything about this Christmas Season and it makes it all the more fun for us! You have demanded a Christmas related craft every time Sam takes his morning nap and you have drawn so many circles with your markers if I lined them all up it might stretch from here to the moon and back. You love your little brother and really want him near you all the time. You love everything about the Polar Express. Everything you talk about is Polar Express. We let you watch the movie but you are afraid of it - but are still obsessed. You have learned the whole song "When Christmas Comes To Town" as seen in the other post. When I was filming it I was crying it was just so sweet. You melt my heart little boy. You love being my helper and help me with Sam. You want to be the big boy but are still so much a baby. You run off so independent to your "Little Beans" class and when its over run so hard into my arms. I am so proud of you!

Sam 10 Months Old
You are into everything! Not in a naughty way in a super curious adorable way! When we go to the play cafe's you are excited to play and explore. You want to be everywhere Will is - digging in the legos, crawling in the tunnels and taking every train and tossing it around. You are taking two good naps now - 9am and 1:30pm. It has gotten much harder almost nearly impossible for you to nap on the fly because you are so curious but we have done it here in there in the car when needed (cold mornings when our heat went out and I thought the car would be warmer). I still dress you in jammies almost everyday. I love how they keep your feet warm and the fleece wicks off all the breakfast you spilled on yourself. You are so go with the flow but also want to get out of your stroller now and explore. When I let you out you squeal in delight. You are still nursing alot - and not sleeping at night but its ok. These boys are both eating me out of food too! Its AMAZING!
Christmas Eve |
Brother Love |
Fun in the snow - Will loved it so much and Sam didn't smile or cry so we think thats a win! |
Up to no good! |
Pancake face |
Pizza and water AT wholefoods. Its a big treat to get to eat at the grocery store :) |
Circle Mania |
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