7 Months
~ 20lbs
Will 32lbs
Look at that big boy - still such a baby in so many ways too!
Sitting so good now!
Sam's Likes: Eating a squishies on his own, I mean crushing a squishy on his own. Holds it himself, squeezes the food up and just loves them so much. He also likes table foods like fruit, puffs, mum mum crackers but isnt great at putting them IN his mouth alone. Loves rolling and pivoting to get to new toys and is starting to rock on all fours. We put the "jump a roo" up in the front and he loves to jump away and stare out the window. As each month passes there is more and more interaction between Sam and Will and it is the best thing in the world to watch. Sam watches Wills every move. In the car Will sings away and Sam just stares at him - probably half wondering why he is so loud. Sam is sitting great now. I can put him on a blanket with toys and he will sit until I help him down. Thats the issue he can't get down for sitting up unless he falls over. He still bonks his head here and there and Will always says "Oh no he bonked again!" Just like his older brother he loves tipping over the basket of legos and grabbing at them all. He grabs a lego from on his belly and rolls to his back to have a good look. Then back over to his belly to find more things to examine!
Sam's Dislikes: Being hungry! I mean you can't keep that meat on your bones without 3 good meals a day and LOTS of milk. A few weeks ago I would give Sam solids when it worked for our schedule. Now there is no skipping a meal and I always bring some things in my bag for a snack. Sam has been getting alot of teeth which has made for alot of night waking and troubles going to bed. I think it teeth and I am to much of a softy to let him cry it out in case he is in pain.
Will's Likes: Hard to remember what I said last month but the big things right in Will's world are: Legos, drawing pictures of trains, painting, baking or helping me in the kitchen with EVERYTHING, napping, Lighting McQueen and Mater from Cars the Movie and doing everything "all by himself." This month we started messing around more with potty training. He has big boy pants when he decides he wants to wear them in the house and the first time he felt the wetness from peeing was hilarious. Now he is very clear about "I can't get these wet" but we are NOT potty training him yet. He still pees I swear every 20 seconds and the weather is to nice out to deal with that. I just want to go off for the morning and let Will run around all morning and not be rushing around to find a bathroom. Thats what winter time is for :) He also started school this month. Its a mommy and me and I will post more on that later but he loves it. So many cool toys, mommy by his side if he needs me and a little taste of big boy world. Its super cute! Lots of trike riding too! He is becoming so much better at taking direction. Washing hands, take off shoes, go get your jacket - really neat to see him maturing and allowing him more independence.
Will's Dislikes: Taking turns I think is going to be a dislike for a long time. There is a little boy at the park that has a scooter that he ALWAYS wants to ride. The little boy doesn't let Will use it and tears everytime. Its a good lesson to learn that you can't always get a turn but it makes for an emotional breakdown. He also did not love when Mommy left him at this new big boy class at little beans. Broke my heart to hear him cry but I think next week will go better. Now that he knows what to expect.
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