Baby Shower in Texas

New Years in Chicago

Christmas in Chicago - Just the three of us (will was a very quite boy :) )

Last trip as the two of us - Scottsdale AZ

39 weeks pregnant and ready to meet Will
I remember the exact morning we found out we were pregnant. I took a pregnancy test on the 28th day at 5:00am in the morning - thinking there is no way I am pregnant. But I had bought about 10 tests and figured why not I got 9 more to use another time. And there it said after only a few seconds "pregnant" - and so it all began!!!! We were so excited and a bit shocked as it happened very VERY fast :). The first person I called was my sister, to ask her if there is anyway it could be wrong. After convincing me that it was indeed correct we screamed and celebrated!! Next I called home. My mom was at church and when I asked my Dad if he wanted me to tell him or mom first he said mom - quickly to respond with "well what are you going to tell me." Everyone was so excited for us and by 7am I felt like a full day had passed. So many emotions and I had to go to work. The next 9 months were filled with so many fun things! A growing belly, vacations, showers, preparing the house, learning all about babies and waiting for Feb 3rd my due date!! I was so lucky because I had a wonderful pregnancy - felt great the entire time (well except when those kidney stones came along). Thanks Will for being so good to your mommy!
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