Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Today is my favorite age!

It seems like yesterday I was pregnant or Will was a tiny baby or we were going on hour after hour of walks so he could sleep for more then 30 minutes at a time. How did time go so quickly??? Because I only have a few readers I figure I would use my blog tonight to ask Will very nicely to stop growing up - although it seems like each day I think to myself, "Now this is my favorite age." Like today at the park when it was just Will and I on a blanket and out of no where one silly little noise I kept making had him in a full belly laugh, which turned me into a full belly laugh I was sure there was nothing better in the whole wide world then being right where I was with my baby (well of course if Jason was there it would be perfection) but this was second best. As I hugged him so tight I though "don't grow up - stay this perfect forever." But I guess I can't turn Will into Peter Pan and am just thankful for for everyday I get to spend with my little buddy and the millions of memories we make in a short 24 hour day! Here is a quick snapshot into our day!

Morning playtime - Will figured out how to tip over his toy basket so it was a messy morning

Photo shoot with a very wiggly boy - gave up on that picture!

Enjoying the crisp fall air on a morning run

And he's off! Trying to crawl at the park

Sleepy boy listening to music in his high chair after dinner! I would be sleepy to after a full day of runs, playing with friends at the park, swings, a walk, trip to another park, walk around Anthropology and a starbucks run! I keep this little guy busy and we have so much fun :)

Love you Will - I give you permission to grow up but always love your mommy as much as I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Oh,'re doing SUCH a fantastic job at enjoying Will where he is at!
