Last weekend I made my first trip alone, away from Will for 24 hours to Boston for Kelly and Mike's wedding. So that meant Jason and Will were going to be home alone for the day and night to do whatever they wanted!! I must say it was pretty brave of Jason to take this on as Will is still hooked on his Momma's milk and isn't always sleeping through the night - but I left over 90 oz of milk in the fridge and I said when in doubt give Will a bottle :). We all did great and had an awesome time. I showed up in Boston without a hitch at 10am and got to spend the morning with Em, Nick and Jamesy boy. We had so much fun going to the park, playing at the house, eating lunch and watching Jamesy be such a silly boy. Nick stayed home to watch James so Em and I went as dates to the wedding. After a couple glasses of wine we kept saying "James and Will who?" - haha kidding. The next morning I flew out at 8am and was home to my sweet boy (and hubby) by 11am. When I got home I called Jason from the street to bring Will out to meet me and I also needed him to parallel park the car because I am awful at it these days (not like the good old days). I didn't put will down for the next hour. Feed him, snuggled him, and then rocked him to sleep! It was great to get away but so good to come home!! Jason was such a trooper and sent me a text about every hour to help with how much I missed Will. Here is a photo journal of the day - Enjoy!
A day of picture text's from Jason:
7:30am - "Morning mom - ready for my day of football - Go Tech!"
11am - outfit change and exersaucer fun!
Supposedly this happened while the picture was being taken - haha
Dinner time - practicing with his sippy
"Come home mom - I have been up since 5:30am and Dad needs a nap!"
Meanwhile in Boston....
Walking to the park with Em and Jamesy - he always reaches up for two hands - so sweet
Showing KiKi how to climb
James being James and in the middle of the playground lies down - so silly
Helping me unpack my suit case and slipped one of his books in which I found when I got home
Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Kelly O'Donnell! What a fun wedding!!
Okay, that Will is so sweet! Babs (Barbara) sent me your blog since our boys are so close in age and she talks about your little man all the time. I enjoyed reading about your time right before having Will and right after as it reminded me of all the same emotions. I will definitely be keeping up with your blog. I love seeing other boys Colin's age...they're just so sweet! Oh and love the sippy cup pic!