Friday, August 24, 2012

Hey Tessa where you BEAN?

Two buds hit the big city when my parents were in town.  I had been wanting to go to this program the city of chicago puts on everyday from 10am -3pm for kids right in Millinium park.  It was awesome and I felt kinda bad it was my first time taking advantage of this.  We took the train into the city early in the am.  When we came out of the train station it was raining but Tessa and Will totally took advantage of that and we went to Dunkin Donuts where little miss had a pink frosted donut and Will crushed a blueberry muffin.

When the rain let up we headed to the BEAN and the two buds were ready to run!!  We had so much fun in the activity tent - music, crafts and lots of running around.  Perfect day in the city.

"Hey little buddy Will let me show you the Bean!"  Tessa was a good big cousin to little baby Will as she calls him

Two cute together

Hey I know that guy

Just a couple of regular city folk!

Bob Bob and Tessa working on her crown

MoMo and Will working on some dominoes - as in MoMo set them up and Will crashed them in 4 seconds

Sweet little girl and her beautiful crown!

Will showing off his crown too!

Snuggle bug with Grandpa/Grandma - such a big baby