Sunday, January 29, 2012

Justus turns 1 first!

Happy Birthday Justus!  You are the best friend a guy could ever ask for.  I had so much fun at your jammies party.  Going up and down the stairs was so fun!  Sorry you didn't really like your cake - but that was some good watermelon.

Love Will

Getting in some playtime before all our other friends showed up

The whole party crew

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Cold, EARLY Winter Mornings

Cold = no morning walks
Early = 5:15am walk ups
Which equals lots of time exploring the house and LONG breakfasts!

Did I miss my mouth?

Goof ball!
All time favorite - blueberry pancakes!!!

Sometimes I push the stools, somethings I climb them - both fun!

I love my chilly new seat!

It is rare that this stool every actually spells William - blocks everywhere

Interesting - what is this thing? What a perfect height for me to play with it.

Buds of Kenmore out and about

Will's once "baby" buds Liam and Griffen are getting MUCH bigger these day. I think Will is discovering that he can no longer just poke them without payback! Playdates are alot busier these days but super cute! Will gets to test out his walking/pushing skills and his buds get a ride. We have been having lots of fun keeping busy during these cold days.

"Hey Griffen......alllll aboard!"

Headed for a ride in Costo

"Hey how did those babies get at this big kid toy? Fun!!"

"Ohhhhh Will cool car!"

First Sled Ride

We (I mean Santa) got Will a sled for Christmas and we were so excited to test it out on the snowy sidewalks of Chicago. I can't say that he loved it but he didn't cry so I think that means it was a success. We got a picture so to me it was a success for me!

Then we had our second snow and decided we would break out the sled again. We packed up the sled and headed a few blocks away for lunch at a cute Cafe Bittersweet. I must say it was pretty cute watching Jason pull Will down the streets to lunch. He loved it. It helped that there was no snow blowing in his face and it was above freezing. When we pulled up to the restaurant we did get quite a bit of attention for our snow bear! The way home did go as well as Jason totally tipped Will over as we turned into our alley. It was fun while it lasted - haha.

Faster faster dad!


Are we there yet?

On the move

Here on some videos of the little man and his walker. He really started getting good when we joined the free play at the park district. Now he trys to push every object around our house like a walker - trash can, chairs, stools, toy car - anything!

Binkis stay in cribs...

For the most part I try to keep Will's beloved binki animals in his crib. I must admit I totally cheat if we are on a run and I want to go another mile and he is losing it or when he arches his back and refuses to get in the stroller or car seat the binki settles him right down - BUT when we are in the house binkis stay in the crib. Well one day Will wandered into his room and got real quite. I thought he was just "reading" his books which is a new favorite activity and when I went to check on him the little bugger had out smarted me.

"Look mom I can be outside my crib AND have my binki - SCORE!" HAHA - so instead of stopping him I of course ran for the camera. What a goof ball.

This binki was found somewhere on the floor that he then popped in his mouth. Yummy Germs!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

5am Wake Up Call

Just so I don't ever forget...lately there have been alot of very VERY early mornings with our little early bird. Just like his Grandma I guess. 5am on the dot I hear a little cry...cough....cry...more crying until I give up and go in which this morning was around 5:20am. Feed him and try again - no chance Will was going back to bed. So Jason was out of town which meant we had the bed to ourselves - my snuggle bug and I. So I grabbed him out of his crib, got back in my warm cozy bed and thought - lets give it a try. Turned on Sesame Street and bathroom light because somewhere in my mind I think it is better on his eyes to watch TV in a dimly lit room then a dark room - who knows! I snuggle Will up on the to pillows and we both lay there watching Elmo....

Next thing I know I check my phone and its 6:45am - Last time my little boy sat for 1 hour straight was about 10 months ago so I am guessing we both feel asleep - but who knows. I can remember being in such a light sleep I could feel his wiggles as he would sit up a little and then rest back into the pillow, make a loud sucking noise as his binki feel out of his mouth and the warm head on my cheek as we enjoyed the early morning together.

So its moments like this I NEVER want to forget - and when I think of my beautiful boy at 11 months I want to remember snuggling in the early EARLY hours of the morning - not the cold walk to his bedroom because my little man won't give in and fall back to sleep.

Like Grandma says "the early bird does catch the worm" - and thats why I know my buddy is gong to move mountains some day!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Bath/Bed time is getting interesting

Will has officially learned how to climb out of his bath seat. He is truly a wild man by the time night rolls in and lets the last bit of energy out splashing away. Hope the next phase is not crawling out of the crib!!

"Nooooo - dont make me go to bed"


Thursday, January 5, 2012

11 Months Old - January 5th 2011

Weight 20lbs

Likes: Standing and walking from couch to couch to tv to car and on and on..., blueberries, his cousins, "saying" balloon "baaaa" while pointing, dogs, crawling out of his bath seat, formula and big bottles

Dislikes: Cold wind in his face, stomach bugs - not fun!, sleeping in past 5:30am :(