Saturday, March 30, 2013

A Chicago Easter

Easter was super early this year and with a 1 month old little bundle we decided we would stay put in Chicago.  Although it was super fun and relaxing I was a little sad to be away from family but we made the best of it.  Will was super into the Easter Bunny and hunting for Eggs.  We had a little Easter Egg hunt the week before with friends at the park so he had gotten a taste of what might be in those eggs!!

Liam, Will, Woods and 3 other boys I can't remember their names
(Oh and Sam too! He was in my coat in the moby)

Easter morning was a blast - Will ran around the house finding the eggs and eating all the fishy crackers, cereal and few candy treats.

After the big hunt we took the crew out to the playground and a potbelly easter lunch.  Not very traditional but this year it was perfect for us.  Sam still isn't loving the stoller so he spent most of the day cozy on his mama!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

1 Month Old - Mr. Sam

Sam 1 Month - Will 2 Years 2 Months

Sam Stats at 5 weeks (we were a little late for our appointment)
11lbs 12 oz
23 inches

Likes: Moby wrap, any carrier for that matter, milk and more milk, sleeping on my chest, snuggling up in my neck, looking at the balloons in the kitchen, soft music, laying in the changing pad looking at the mirror, baths, starbucks runs (oops that is me who likes that), walks outside (he sleeps so I assume he likes it), the SWING!! (thanks for the tip Auntie Em), smiling at us all

Dislikes: Carseat and stroller seat (bummer), bright lights and diaper and jammies changes when hungry 

Sam is just the sweetest little thing - very calm and still always watching and listening.  I can only imagine what that little guy thinks of his silly little brother.  Can't wait to see what next month holds!  

Brothers Comparison

Saturday, March 16, 2013

And then there was 4...

Since bringing home our new baby boy I must say it has been pretty easy.  Of course the sleepless nights, toddler running down the street while baby brother sits on the side walk, "treats" being offered to just get everyone out of the house and maybe a little more time on the iPhone - but over all it has been awesome.  Lots and lots of snuggling with Baby Sam and lots and lots of time with Sam riding on my chest which I just love.  Jason spent the first week at home with us and Momo came to relieve on the second week.  By week 3 we were off and running - well maybe walking fast :)

The scene in our house for most meals
First trip for coffee and cookies - Sam 4 days old

Little Snuggle Bug in the moby

Big brother doing some work around the house

First morning alone with two boys - Sam 7 days old.

Momo with her littles student - Knitting lessons

This pretty much sums up Will

So cozy

Sweet boy - 1 week old

The new Pope Ride

Tummy Tummy Time

Love this picture - open a door and what do you see - Grandma Love

Brothers play safely

Jungle time still fun for all ages!