Saturday, February 25, 2012

Big steps for Baby Will

Big things going on in the Pope house this last week.  My little baby boy has been taking a couple steps on his own the past few weeks but yesterday we went to the book store and he decided it was time!!  Will was holding onto the book shelves and apparently wanted to check out some other books and just took off. About 10 steps later he was at his new destination with a huge smile on his face.  It was so funny because Jason and I were freaking out and all the random people in the book store just stared at us.  HAHA  Oh well isn't that what parenthood is all about!  When we got home we kept encouraging Will to walk on his own - it was lots of fun!!

He also has some new words:  Ball, Yeah, Balloon (which sounds just like ball but he is pointing at the balloon so we can figure it out), Taste.

Great job little buddy doing your walking and talking!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine 2.1 that went out to some of Will's besties

Morning snuggle with my Valentine

1 Year ago today - My little baby is now a big boy but still as snuggly

12 Months - February 5, 2012

21 lbs 11 oz - 30 inches

Finally figured out why the stickers stop at 12 months - Will tried to pull it off his shirt the whole time I was taking the picture.  Smart little guy

Likes: Yogurt in the tube, fishy crackers, snack trap and dumping all the food out, clapping about everything, shape sorting (but not in the right holes), walking with our fingers, going in a room shutting the door, big boy baths

Dislikes:  Shutting himself in a room (its a love hate), waffles, fish, when Daddy leaves for work, finger painting (so worth it for the Valentines Day cards though)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Party Time!!

What was supposed to be a low key (low budget) birthday with some cupcakes, a few balloons and the family quickly turned into a great excuse for me to head down the papersource and spend countless nights working on my crafts :)!!!  I will say I did somewhat keep to our low budget - but it just got to be so fun planning, crafting and baking it was hard to control myself.  Both our parents were able to come for the weekend which was such a blessing!!!  Jason's mom stayed at the condo and Will had a ball clapping and playing toys with her.  It was such a great day filled with family, neighbors and brothers from a different mother (Justus).  Will had a minor breakdown mid party but nothing a little "binks" won't fix.  About 10 minutes after a chill out with mom he got a second wind and was ready to go again!  Here are some pictures from the great day - thank you to everyone for celebrating with us.

Showing off his big boy "1" shirt from Auntie Em 

Couldn't wait for his friends to have lunch - we will call this lunch #1

Yeah friends are here!  Griffen and Liam (8 months), Justus (1 Year)

Forever Friends - Will and Justus

Proud Parents

"Mom are you interested in this blue yogurt?  You can't fool me"

Not really into this hat

Crushed the cupcake now hitting the bottle - hydration is no joke

Cousins pounding fishy crackers with Grandma

Gymboree at N. Kenmore 
Cupcake on Will's actual birthday

This one was real and I think he enjoyed it a little more!  Also it wasn't after two lunches

To Will on your 1st Birthday

About a month ago it all started to hit me.  I was talking to the women at the meat counter at Jewel (who are soooo nice and LOVE Will) about my "baby."  She asked me how old he was and after stumbling around for his age I finally said "wow he is about 1."  She smiled and gave us our free piece of cheese while I on the other hand nearly lost it right there in the middle of the grocery store - when did my baby turn into a toddler?? One whole year has come and gone.  I have always been a super anxious person and before Will most of my family and friends knew me as a stressed out sales rep always chasing a number and a goal.  I wished the days, weeks and quarters away and was always on a countdown to the next vacation or break from the rat race.  Now life is 100% different.  Don't get me wrong I still look forward and LOVE counting down to a fun vacation or seeing family but I never wish days away since having Will in my life.  There have been hard days, sleepless days, sick days and lonely days but never a day that I did not look down at my beautiful boy and wish for the next.  Each day is truly a blessing and the joy that Will has brought to Jason and my life is indescribable.  We have both learned so much in this past year but above all I think we have learned how to love more then we ever knew we were capable of.  So quickly our wedding day got bumped down to the #2 spot because February 5, 2011 was truly the best day of my life and I hope (will the help of this blog) I always remember every detail about Will's BIRTH day.  

I love you Will so much and love you more every second of every day.  My wish for you on your first birthday is to always smile with that twinkle in your eye, always laugh like there is no care in the world and always trust that your Mom and Dad will be there for you for the rest of your life.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Two Games - Lots of fun!

One night the boys really got going.  Jamesy thought Will was trying to get his balls and Will thought Jamesy was chasing him.  Regardless both boys loved the game they were playing.

Tour De Chicago Museums

One of the best parts of having Em and James in Chicago was the motivation to go try all the awesome things that this city had to offer.  I mean don't get me wrong we made our fair share of trip to Starbucks, Jewel, Potbelly's and Mia Francesca but we hit up two fun museums and on the discount days for Chicago residents.

First up was the Aquarium and by far my favorite site in Chicago thus far.  These pictures say it all.  The boys were in awe and Em and I were in awe and we sure stumbled upon a great spot for lunch!

Enjoying the dolphins

Playing in the polar bear play yard

Big boy down the "watafall"

Taking in the view

Neatest thing to watch - and I am not talking about the dolphins.  Nothing like experiencing this amazement through the eyes of our boys

Em pulling double duty - Jamesy splashing in the starfish area.  We were shocked he remembered touching them in the area behind us here.  Smart little guy

Lunch with a view - BIG FISHES!

Best buds enjoying their mac and cheese with hidden veggies
Next up was the Planetarium.  It was a fun outing but kinda a tired looking museum.  The highs of the trip was my amazing parking spot, lunch with the best view in the city and the random mini fridge with all kinds of play food to go through.

Random fridge - not sure the lesson here 
Pulled the whole tray out just like in our fridge

Again not sure what we were teaching here

Awesome city view on a beautiful warm day

Great lunch with a view - of course we packed our own lunch!!

Keeping up with Jamesy...In CHICAGO!

What a week we had.  I posted this on facebook but I truly meant it...

"There are good weeks and there are great weeks and then there are weeks with Em and Jamesy come to Chicago.  I don't think there are words for those kinds of weeks!"

My sister and I have learned so much about getting the cousins together.  The whole family has learned alot actually.  Plan trips that are long enough for the babies to get used to sleeping arrangements but not to long where if very little sleeping occurs you don't want to kill eachother.  Also have an exit plan (fly southwest where you can refund and change you ticket at any moment) in the event someone gets sick.  Try to keep on schedule as close as possible to insure happy, healthy, fun babies and mommies.

So with all that said Em and I were super realistic with how this trip might go in a one floor condo with two very active babies - and every day that went by we were grinning ear to ear about how awesome the trip was.  I mean everything about it was just awesome!!!  The boys were so well behaved and had so much fun together.  James (22 Months) is at that age where he could have hated sharing with Will who grabbed everything James touched or refused to nap because he was not in his crib (yes he still fits in a pack in play) but NOPE none of that - he was just such a sweetie.  So cute with Will, so cozy and cuddly with his Auntie and just talked and talked and talked the whole time.  He is the smartest little guy - it was amazing to watch.   We did so much I am going to break it up into two posts.  Here is a run down of our day to day fun -- then I will get into the Tour De Chicago Museum's.

 Cousin Time - James 22 Months, Deccie 14 Months, Tessa 3.25, Will 1 Year

4 kids under 3 make a huge mess - FAST

Dinner Date with Elmo

Story, milk and snuggles

My running date - nevermade a peep or dropped the garage door opener pictured in right hand :)

Parkdate in the middle of winter - we had the best weather

Jamesy hoarding the balls at Gymboree

Dinner for two

Watching the cars and people walking dogs

Grandpa and his boys (minus Deccie Bug)

Last minute cuddles before we were off to the airport