Saturday, May 18, 2013

Kiawah Island - May 2013

There was much debate earlier in the year if it made sense for us to go to Kiawah this year.  Sam would be just over 2 months and would it even be worth the effort of packing up, sleepless nights in a new place, running back and forth from the beach if the baby needed something all while chasing a 2 year old in and out of the water.  Well thank god we decided it WOULD be a good idea because it was amazing!!!!  Honestly one of the best Kiawah trips we have had yet.  Will was at the perfect age.  Could run all over the beach not getting into much trouble, loved the sand and tide pools (still a bit afraid of the ocean which was cool in May), LOVED the heated pool and of course running day and night with his cousin Jamesy.  It was so fun to watch Will just soak it all in.  From the second he woke up he was either in the pool with Daddy - who let us all know early on the heat did not come on til 8am  - or asking to go down to the beach.  He was non-stop.  Sam on the other hand could not have been a more perfect age for this trip.  He spent most of the vacation asleep on me or Jason in the carrier, in my mom arms, playing on a blanket with Liam or eating.  He slept so well at night (minus the screams when trying to get down) and the whole trip just worked out perfect.

Will 2 years 3 Months, Sam 2.5 Months

Liam and Sam 10 weeks apart!

Nothing like a MoMo snuggle, warm towel and ocean white noise

Long day at the beach

Two little buddies

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