Friday, June 14, 2013

Grandmommy comes to town!

We were all very excited to have Grandmommy for a long weekend in June.  This would mark the first time she meets Sam and yet another trip Will tries to keep Grandmommy busy from morning til bedtime.  We had a great trip!! Finally Chicago some weather that did not leave Barb deathly cold!  We had some beautiful summer days filled with parks, museums, nights out for Jason and I and lots and lots of playing!

Out for Pizza and Grandmommy was cozy in the booth with both boys

Morning snuggles watching the Veggies

Mom, Son and Grandbabies - excellent color coordination :)

Barb is always teaching Will new things.  Will was so into this sticker book and Barb has the patience of a Saint!

If you have the strength Sam just wants to be held and snuggled (ALL DAY!)

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